The "Truth" Behind Seraphim "Angels"

  • Thursday, January 14, 2021 - Thursday, February 4, 2021
The "Truth" Behind Seraphim "Angels"

The "Truth" Behind Seraphim "Angels" is a 4 week Study with Spirit™ course under the Blue Soul Earth™ umbrella. It is designed for anyone who is interested in opening the doorway of communication with the hidden realms beyond this dimension. It is designed for those who are curious about life beyond what science can explain and yearn for a deeper understanding of the Cosmos, quantum realities and worlds, and beyond.

You can either register here or through this Eventbrite link:

Depending on the source, you’ll hear the Seraphim described as illuminating or ‘burning ones,’ or angels ‘close to God.’ If you’re a lover of history and culture, you’ll find it interesting to know that the Seraphim are mentioned in the 2nd-century BC Book of Enoch. There are sites that try to place them in a hierarchy of sorts and others which attempt to depict them visually…some sources say three wings, others say six. Of course there are some who throw them in the Cherubim camp, whereas others consider them as ‘dragon like beings,’ and not angels at all. In Jewish folklore, it is said that they are ‘closest to God’ or the highest rank of angel.

Who are these mysterious ‘beings?’ Are they angels or are they formless beings that merely exist in the Void and have no role at all? Or, are they energies who come forth to teach and heal? Or none of the above.

Welcome to the bridge between Science and Spirituality. Regardless of your belief system, you’ll find this course fascinating as it is channeled live each week — there’s no religious dogma in anything we do. Renee & Anthony will channel the Seraphim and participants can interact with them, asking their most pressing questions.

We’ll meet for four Thursdays, starting on January 14 with the last channeled class being on February 4, 2021. See schedule below.

Class 1: Thurs, Jan 14 @ 6 pm PST | 7 pm MT | 8 pm CT | 9 pm EST
Class 2: Thurs, Jan 21 @ 6 pm PST | 7 pm MT | 8 pm CT | 9 pm EST
Class 3: Thurs, Jan 28 @ 6 pm PST | 7 pm MT | 8 pm CT | 9 pm EST
Class 4: Thurs, Feb 4 @ 6 pm PST | 7 pm MT | 8 pm CT | 9 pm EST

For those in Asia and the South Pacific, see below for the schedule.
Hong Kong, Tokyo, Sydney & Auckland Dates/Times:

Class 1: Fri, Jan 15 @ 10 am Hong Kong,11 am in Tokyo, 1 pm in Sydney, 3 pm in Auckland
Class 2: Fri, Jan 22 @ 10 am Hong Kong, 11 am in Tokyo, 1 pm in Sydney, 3 pm in Auckland
Class 3: Fri, Jan 29 @10 am Hong Kong, 11 am in Tokyo,1 pm in Sydney, 3 pm in Auckland
Class 4: Fri, Feb 5 @10 am Hong Kong, 11 am in Tokyo, 1 pm in Sydney, 3 pm in Auckland

We’ll explore the Soul vs Spirit vs Mind and our perceptions of reality through our linear mind. What is the Soul vs Consciousness? What is the Quantum Field? How do the Seraphim energies show up and why? Do the Seraphim aid humanity and if so, how?

We tap into those hidden and inner worlds that shamans and spiritual masters so often speak of and innately know – it is in this world of “Spirit” or “Higher Dimensions and Realms” where ancient knowledge and healing takes place, working through the body which merely acts as a vessel for what appears to be transcendent to our human senses.

Call them what you may – guardians, elementals, spirits, ancestors, helpers, or angels, or cosmic forces for good – the combined energies of all show up for both teaching and healing, without religious dogma or structured belief systems.

During this four week course, energy transmissions and healing will be part of each class.

Our mission is to help accelerate global consciousness for those yearning for a deeper exploration of spirituality & to better understand how mindfulness & a spiritual life can transform who we are and everything around us.

Find out more at and on Instagram @bluesoulearth.


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