How to Deal with Uncomfortable Energies

  • Thursday, February 3, 2022 - Tuesday, February 15, 2022
How to Deal with Uncomfortable Energies

Are the quality of your experiences adversely affected by other people’s behavior? Do you yearn to experience the true relief of emotional freedom? Isn’t it time to transform energetic and emotional sensitivities into a more empowered heart-centered way of being? If so, then please join Matt Kahn for a profound journey of healing, and to learn how to navigate uncomfortable energies that arise in ourselves and others.

During this life-enhancing on-demand event, you’ll learn to:
•Reclaim the power of your true sovereignty
•Stay centered around others–no matter the differences between you 
•Embrace practical tools to help you move through the difficult aspects of your life

If you’re ready to connect more deeply with your own light and harmonize with the light in others, then this on-demand event is the perfect companion for your ever evolving path.

What People Are Saying About This Event:

"This is so powerful and exactly what I needed to hear. Such a profound shift in perspective. Thank you so much, Matt.❤" – Patricia G.

"I was about to enter a state of insomnia for feeling too responsible for others emotions but after repeating the mantra I can finally relax and sleep." – Glo

"You are a gift to us Spirit beings stuck in the 3D world. Thank you Matt. I need this. And thank you Universe for sending the message out to the ones that need a light on the path." – R deR

"I’m 8 minutes in and I’m bawling. That sovereignty alignment really flushed out what was flooding my nervous system. I felt lighter almost immediately. And, as he said ‘you should feel a difference’ I was already crying hysterically with gratitude. You don’t know how much I really, really, really needed this. I hope it helps many others." – KV

"Thank you Matt❤. Everything you say seems like missing pieces of a gigantic puzzle. You’re not just making more sense of the whole picture, but you’re helping me see how much bigger it really is. I feel exposed to more and better mystery about the world and myself. I love everything you say and reading your books releases so much heaviness in my heart. They are my bibles. I have your quotes all over my notebooks and journals. I listen to you during my insomnia attacks and share your videos with all my friends. Thank you! Merci." – Amelie B. 

"I’m really grateful to come across your teachings and will look into more!!!" – Danyel

"This is a medicine of pure compassion. ❤ At the moment I needed this. You are so beloved light Matt Kahn." – Sini-Kukka R. 

Matt Kahn is the author of the best-selling books Whatever Arises, Love That, Everything Is Here to Help You, and The Universe Always Has A Plan. His books have been translated into more than a dozen different languages around the world. In 2020, Matt was named as one of the 100 Most Spiritually Influential Living People in the World by Watkins Magazine. He is a spiritual teacher and highly attuned empathic healer who has become a YouTube sensation with his healing and often humorous videos. More than 20 million YouTube channel viewers are finding comfort, inspiration, and relief from the challenges of daily life through his intuitive updates and helpful, uplifting heart-centered messages.

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