Guru Purnima Live Stream Yoga Class

  • Monday, July 3, 2023 - Monday, July 10, 2023
Guru Purnima Live Stream Yoga Class

Om Shree Gurave Namaha
Namaste and Sat Nam sweet souls.  This Monday is one of the most auspicious full moons in the yoga tradition. It is called Guru Purnima. It is the full moon where we honor our spiritual teachers and teachings (Guru Tattva). Guru ultimately is Consciousness that bring us from darkness to light or ignorance to awareness. It is that which frees us from our suffering and helps us to evolve towards oneness.  
This Monday at 6am PST, I will be sharing a FREE Sattva Kundalini yoga class and some chants to honor this auspicious day. Please join me! If you can’t make it, sign up anyway and I’ll send you the replay. 
We’ll set the intention to give thanks to our teachers, align ourselves to our higher self, elevate ourselves out of our karmic patterns and step into the light. 
This practice will be suited for all levels. Come ready for dynamic kriyas, postures, breath work, chanting and meditation. Let’s lift each other up in sacred community (sangha) and amplify our practices exponentially through group practice. Most importantly let’s practice in honor of our teachers and the teachings.    
What Kind of Yoga?

Sattva Kundalini Yoga is an ever-evolving and inclusive practice of meditation, kriya, asana, movement, pranayama, radical aliveness, and timeless wisdom. It integrates the science of Hatha and Kriya Yoga from ancient lineages, incorporating purification sequencing, so each journey has a subtle cellular shift, dynamic mind-body experience, as well as a mindful meditative experience.

It is very powerful for stabilizing emotions, reducing anxiety, decreasing fear, and deep healing.  It’s wonderful for cultivating joy, bliss, love, peace, stillness and a feeling of radical aliveness.  Come experience this incredible technology to support you in facing and overcoming your fears! 

Register right away!

Check out this video for a preview of Ananda Das’ offerings.



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