Deobrat Mishra + Sarahjoy Marsh Immersion into Awe
Friday – Sunday, July 12 – 14: Immersion into Awe reminds us of both the deepest indwelling “such-ness” of who we are and our interconnectedness with all that is. It is profoundly soothing for the anxieties that live in us when we become disconnected from our indwelling home; and gently nudging us toward compassionate action, service and healing.Yoga’s pathways to this awakening are many: Nada Yoga: the yoga of sound and the healing path of vibrationthrough chanting which refines our access to and intimacy with the subtle bodyHatha Yoga: the yoga of resolving the physiological residues to allow our innate radiance to be rememberedBhakti Yoga: the yoga of devotion, ritual, prayer, and immersion with that which is effulgentJnana Yoga: the yoga of inquiry and contemplation towards the abiding discoveryof that which we most deeply are and have beenKarma Yoga: the yoga of selfless service and action as humility and union with that which acts through us Pandit Deobrat Mishra will focus on Nada Yoga and the pathway of sound through the Chakras. Nada is a Sanskrit word meaning sound; the related word nadi means river or stream. It also means rushing or sounding. Nadis are the subtle channels through which consciousness flows.Anahata (the 4th chakra, often referred to as the Heart Chakra) means Unstruck Sound. The Hatha Yoga Pradipika declares that samadhi is achieved when the anahatanadam, the unstruck sound, can be heard. … Sarahjoy Marsh and Chris Coniaris will interweave hatha, bhakti, jnana, and karma yogas into the weekend immersion focusing on practices suited to those who attend. They bring a combined 70+ years of yoga study and practice and 50+ years of teaching. Their teaching style draws from traditional yoga instruction wherein the individual needs of the students are considered.